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Entries by ntugarc
【亞比中心系列講座】Body Politics on the Market Frontier: Why Monetary Compensation for These (but Not Those)Bodily Donors
/in Event, News, Speeches演講主題:市場前沿的身體政治:為什麼這些(而不是那些)捐贈者有金錢報償? Body Politics on the Market Frontier: Why Monetary Compensation for These (but Not Those)Bodily Donors 主講人:盧宛孜 Wan-Zi Lu 紐約州立大學石溪分校社會系助理教授(Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Stony Brook University) 主持人:曾嬿芬 Yen-Fen Tseng 臺大社會系教授 (Professor, Department of Sociology, NTU) 時間:2024年05月28日(二)12:30-14:00 地點:台大社會學系319室 主辦:國立臺灣大學亞洲社會比較研究中心、國立臺灣大學社會學系 演講大綱: Why do two countries with shared cultural norms regarding bodily giving exhibit contrasting approaches to […]
【亞比中心系列講座】Higher Expectations, Greater Disappointment: Feminist Backlash after Park Geun-hye’s Impeachment in South Korea
/in Event, News, Speeches演講主題:Higher Expectations, Greater Disappointment: Feminist Backlash after Park Geun-hye’s Impeachment in South Korea 主講人:Young-Im Lee(Associate Professor of Political Science California State University-Sacramento) 主持人:Chang-Ling Huang(Director of the GARC, NTU;Professor, Department of Political Science, NTU) 時間:2024年04月30日(二)12:30-14:00 地點:臺大社科院419室 主辦:臺大社科院亞洲社會比較研究中心、臺灣大學政治學系 演講大綱: What impact do failed female leaders have on public perceptions of women’s political capabilities? Analyzing survey and focus […]
Youth and Student Movements in East and Southeast Asia: From Sunflower/Umbrella Movements to #MilkTeaAlliance and Beyond
/in Event, News, Seminars and WorkshopsConference: Youth and Student Movements in East and Southeast Asia: From Sunflower/Umbrella Movements to #MilkTeaAlliance and Beyond Dates: 11 April, 2024 East and Southeast Asia differ from the 2011 global youth movements. Developed regions like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, experienced early demographic shifts, with declining birth rates and expanded higher education. In […]
The Transformation of East Asian Welfare States in the Post Covid19 Era: Challenges, Opportunities and Futures
/in Event, News, Seminars and Workshops📌 Conference:The Transformation of East Asian Welfare States in the Post Covid19 Era: Challenges, Opportunities and Futures ⏰Dates: 15~16 March, 2024 East Asian welfare states grapple with challenges amidst societal changes, economic development, and political shifts, including low wages, the prevalence of precarious, atypical employment, escalating housing prices, ultra-low birth rates, and aging and declining […]
/in Event, News, Speeches演講主題:因核而生?台灣與南韓的核能開發體制(1960s-1990s) 主講人:劉華真(台大社會系副教授) 主持人:吳嘉苓(台大社會系教授) 時間:2024年03月19日(二)12:30-14:00 地點:台大社會學系319室 主辦:台大社科院亞洲社會比較研究中心、台灣大學社會學系 演講大綱: 台灣與南韓的核電開發,從1980年代中期開始,就呈現停滯與擴張兩種相反的趨勢。要解釋這項差異,不能僅從反核運動的強弱著眼,而必須追溯兩國從1960年代以來如何打造出兩種不同的核能開發體制。台灣在兩岸軍力失衡且缺乏安全保證的條件下,將大量人力與經費投入原子彈研發,一方 面排擠了核電部門的研究人力與預算,另方面也無法打造核電內需市場帶動技術轉移、產業化與核工系所的擴張。南韓則被納入美國於東北亞的核保護傘,將資源大幅投入民用核能開發與核電機組增建,並修改核電內需市場的進場規則,讓韓國原子力研究院與韓國電力公社為首的開發機構,一 方面從外國公司進行技術轉移,另方面再由研究機構的衍生公司來執行設備、燃料製造國產化。南韓核電內需市場的擴張,也創造了數波成立大學核工系所的熱潮,進而造成「應用研究─技術轉移─產業化─人才培育」的循環。 報名連結: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfI4zGJj1SpcFKfQP4E53NPH-aocBvRshWtcXCFiQjyzq15ww/viewform?usp=sf_link
About the Lecture Series
/in 2018, KIM-KOO Lecture107學年度金九教授講座 授課教師:Ching Kwan Lee 李靜君(Professor of Sociology, UCLA) 上課地點:臺大社會系401教室 課程大綱:https://garc.ntu.edu.tw/?p=6748 Public Lecture: November 20 (Tuesday), 1230-1400 Title: The Specter of Global China: Politics, Labor and Foreign Investment in Africa Seminar 1: November 18 (Sunday) 930-1230 Introduction: Puzzle, Case, Theory and Ethnography Seminar 3: November 21 (Wednesday) 1420-1720 Encompassing Comparison: Against the Law: Labor Protests in […]
About the NTU-Kim Koo Professor
/in UncategorizedEach year, the College of Social Sciences and the Global Asia Research Center organize invite a globally renowned scholar, serving as the NTU-Kim Koo Professor and teaching a mini-course. This annual NTU-Kim Koo Professorship Lecture Series enable students and faculty members to exchange scholar ideas with distinguished scholars beyond Taiwan. This year, the GARC is […]
/in 2019, Kim Shin Forum, 金信論壇2019年是大韓民國臨時政府成立100周年。在這個重要時刻,回顧大韓民國與中華民國之間的歷史和國際關係變得非常重要。 論壇以首爾國立大學的退休教授李泰鎭的主題演講開場,他從歷史的角度探討了兩國在獨立運動期間的戰略合作和歷史貢獻。接著有兩個主題為「金九先生和韓國獨立運動」和「大韓民國與中華民國之間的互動與未來」的座談會。嘉賓演講者包括國立臺灣大學社會學系副教授劉華真、昌原國立大學歷史系教授Jin-Soon Doh、中央研究院臺灣史研究所副研究員金Jung won JIN、國立臺灣大學社會學系教授藍佩嘉、東吳大學社會學系副教授何薩娜、中央研究院近代史研究所訪問學者徐尙文、順天國立大學歷史系教授車翁煥。
Global Asia Research Center
Tel:886-2-3366-8300 #55640
Address:Room 635, College of Social Science, National Taiwan University. No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City 100, Taiwan