Entries by ntugarc

【Leading-Edge Lecture】

In this talk, I will discuss the problem of nationalism and its operations in global capitalism by focusing on the cases of South Korea and other Asian countries. The disparity between a nation-state and capitalism serves as the ideological perversion of nationalism. In Jacques Lacan’s sense, perversion is not a form of behaviour, but a […]

Diasporic Public Spheres in Colonial Asia: Chinese Bourgeois Associations in the Hong Kong-Singapore Corridor and Their Taiwan Ties, 1914-1941

Adopting Tim Harper’s concept of the diasporic public sphere and Prasenjit Duara’s circulatory history, this presentation shows the circulation of Chinese associations between British Hong Kong and Singapore and their ties with Japanese Taiwan. These bourgeois associations across different colonies responded to Chinese nationalism in mainland China, thus forming the diasporic public spheres. The latter […]

Taiwanese Identity as a Global Identity: The Networks of Skilled Labour Migrants in the UK and Canada

What is “Taiwanese identity”? How should we understand it in globalized professional communities and industries? On Tuesday, 19 October, Professor Fiona Moore will talk about her insightful book “Global Taiwanese: Asian Skilled Labour Migrants in a Changing World” and share her findings around the meaning of the emerging “Taiwaneseness” in global Asian communities. All are […]

Trapped in the Middle: Causes and Consequences of Middling Skilled Migration

Many countries have recently broadened the definition of skill in recruiting high skilled migrants. As a result, more and more college-educated, albeit inexperienced, workers could opt for overseas careers via skilled worker visa, a development referred to as “middling” skilled migration by migration researchers. This talk discusses the causes and consequences of the significant increase […]

【新書座談 Book Launch】 Sexuality and the Rise of China

Speaker / 江紹褀 Travis Shiu Ki Kong (Associate Professor, Sociology / the University of Hong Kong) Review / Sara Friedman (Professor, Gender Studies / Indiana University) Host / 呂青湖 Lake Lui (Associate Professor, Sociology / National Taiwan University) Date / 2023.06.15 Time / 12:30-14:00 Place / College of Society R108 Abstract / In Sexuality and […]

【KIM KOO NTU Professor Lecture】 From Anti-Japan to Anti-China: South Koreans’ Changing Public Sentiments and Implications for the Indo-Pacific Region

Professor Gi-Wook Shin, a sociology professor from Stanford University, has been cordially invited for an academic visit to give a public lecture. From an international perspective on South Korea, he will delve deeply into the discussion of what the societal emotions that have gradually shifted from anti-Japan to anti-China come from.

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/L8xQpnC3sL2DAM2d6

【Speechs@GARC】 Strategic Resistance against Gender Binaries: Chinese Women Doing Zhongxing in Hong Kong and Urban China

Zhongxing (中性), literally meaning ‘middle gender/sex’ or ‘neutral gender/sex’, is a mediated and gendered phenomenon in contemporary East Asian Sinophone societies that refers to young women who do not perform the normative gender regardless of their sexual orientations since the mid-2000s. In this talk, I will explore the lived experience of zhongxing among women in urban China and Hong Kong, drawing from in-depth interviews and online discourse analysis. I argue that an identitarian approach is inadequate in understanding this precarious and ambiguous position in doing gender. Instead, informed by an interdisciplinary framework of transnational feminist and queer Asian studies, I propose a practice approach to understand the fluidity, precarity, and situatedness of women’s strategic resistance against gender binaries in their everyday life.

【Book Talk】 One CHINA, Many TAIWANS. The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism

One China, Many Taiwans shows how tourism performs and transforms territory. In 2008, as the People’s Republic of China pointed over a thousand missiles across the Taiwan Strait, it sent millions of tourists in the same direction with the encouragement of Taiwan’s politicians and businesspeople. Contrary to the PRC’s efforts to use tourism to incorporate Taiwan into an imaginary “One China,” tourism aggravated tensions between the two polities, polarized Taiwanese society, and pushed Taiwanese popular sentiment farther toward support for national self-determination. The book’s ethnographic treatment of tourism as a political technology provides a new lens for social scientists and area specialists to examine the geopolitics of tourism, which has transformed the globe.