Entries by ntugarc

Special Issue Launch Event: The Emerging Second Generation in Asia (Ethnic and Racial Studies)

This special issue, co-edited by Pei-Chia Lan and Minjeong Kim, presents six case studies from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong, marking one of the first forums dedicated to the emerging second generation in Asia. Cross-border marriages have proliferated and contributed to the growing mixed heritage population in this region. This issue explores […]


演講主題(英文演說):航空、海纜與戰爭:當代歐盟-俄羅斯的量體邊界與地緣政治 主講人: 1. Jussi Laine 東芬蘭大學卡累利阿研究所的多學科邊界研究教授(Professor of multidisciplinary border studies at the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland) 2. Tarmo Pikner 愛沙尼亞塔林大學人文學院景觀與文化中心的人文地理學家(Human geographer at the Centre of Landscape and Culture, School of Humanities, Tallinn University) 主持人:洪伯邑(Po-Yi Hung)國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系教授(Professor of the Department of Geography, National Taiwan University) 時間:2025年03月14日12:30-14:00 地點:臺大社科院108室 主辦:國立臺灣大學亞洲社會比較研究中心、國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系、國立臺灣大學臺灣韌性社會研究中心、中華民國地理學會 摘要:兩位學者都是Eur-Asian Border Lab成員,從基礎設施、量體地理與地緣政治的理論路徑,再思考歐洲當代烏俄戰爭下的邊界政治;而歐盟與俄羅斯的情境,和當前東亞與中國之間的邊界議題有值得深入比較之處;更具體的說,本場演講試著從歐盟與俄羅斯之間的空域(飛機航線等)和海域(海底電纜等)邊界變動,開啟更多和東亞地緣政治下的海陸空邊界議題的連結與理論對話。 報名連結:https://forms.gle/MmnGzAfaatL4xXMZ9

【亞比中心系列講座】Will the U.S. ever elect a female President, and what are the implications of that for the rest of the world?

演講主題:Will the U.S. ever elect a female President, and what are the implications of that for the rest of the world? 主講人:Deborah Jordan Brooks 美國達特茅斯學院政府學系副教授 (Associate Professor of the Department of Government, Dartmouth College) 主持人:黃長玲(Chang-Ling HUANG)臺灣大學亞比中心主任、政治學系教授(Director of the GARC and Professor of the Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University) 時間:2025年02月21日(五)12:30-14:00 地點:臺大社科院108室 主辦:國立臺灣大學亞洲社會比較研究中心、國立臺灣大學婦女研究室 演講大綱: While Taiwan […]

【亞比中心系列講座】Challenges toward Deepening Democracy in South Korea after 1987

演講主題:Challenges toward Deepening Democracy in South Korea after 1987 主講人:金東椿(Dong-Choon Kim)韓國聖公會大學名譽教授、良好社會研究所所長(Emeritus Professor of SungKongHoe University in South Korea and Director of the Good Society Institute) 主持人:劉華真(Hwa-Jen Liu)臺灣大學社會學系副教授(Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University) 時間:2024年11月27日(三)12:30-14:00 地點:臺大社會學系319室 主辦:國立臺灣大學亞洲社會比較研究中心、國立臺灣大學社會學系 演講大綱: Among the countries that overcame authoritarian regimes and embraced democratization in the 1980s, South Korea was at […]

Workshop on Comparative Studies of Cross-Border Marriages in Asia: Shifting Landscapes of Gender, Ethnicity, and Social Integration

Conference: Workshop on Comparative Studies of Cross-Border Marriages in Asia: Shifting Landscapes of Gender, Ethnicity, and Social Integration Dates: December 6, 2024 Time: 13:30─18:00 Venue: Room 414, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University Organizers (in alphabetical order): Global Asia Research Center, National Taiwan University Taiwan Social Resilience Research Center, National Taiwan University Women’s and […]