Institutionalizing Equality: The Politics of Women’s Rights in Taiwan and South Korea
Korea and Taiwan have shown a considerable variation in ensuring…
Fugitive Subjects of Secret Doctors and Un/seen Laboring Intimacies of Illegal Alliances
In this talk, I juxtapose historicized cultural texts including…
What Did COVID-19 Teach us about us? Understanding Taiwanese Civil Society through its Pandemic Preparedness
While Taiwan’s success at containing COVID-19 is now a familiar…
【Leading-Edge Lecture】
In this talk, I will discuss the problem of nationalism and its…
Diasporic Public Spheres in Colonial Asia: Chinese Bourgeois Associations in the Hong Kong-Singapore Corridor and Their Taiwan Ties, 1914-1941
Adopting Tim Harper’s concept of the diasporic public sphere…
Taiwanese Identity as a Global Identity: The Networks of Skilled Labour Migrants in the UK and Canada
What is "Taiwanese identity"? How should we understand it in…
Trapped in the Middle: Causes and Consequences of Middling Skilled Migration
Many countries have recently broadened the definition of skill…
【新書座談 Book Launch】 Sexuality and the Rise of China
Speaker / 江紹褀 Travis Shiu Ki Kong
(Associate Professor,…