可愛文化在台灣: 撒嬌概念在數位行動與政治傳播的意涵

撒嬌是什麼? 它與裝可愛的關係為何? 為什麼撒嬌成為一種文化?…



Institutionalizing Equality: The Politics of Women’s Rights in Taiwan and South Korea

Korea and Taiwan have shown a considerable variation in ensuring…

Fugitive Subjects of Secret Doctors and Un/seen Laboring Intimacies of Illegal Alliances

In this talk, I juxtapose historicized cultural texts including…

【Leading-Edge Lecture】

In this talk, I will discuss the problem of nationalism and its…

Trapped in the Middle: Causes and Consequences of Middling Skilled Migration

Many countries have recently broadened the definition of skill…

【新書座談 Book Launch】 Sexuality and the Rise of China

Speaker / 江紹褀 Travis Shiu Ki Kong (Associate Professor,…