Australia and Southeast Asia: it’s a marriage some may have taken for granted, but we haven’t. At the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre, we put our researchers into fields, classrooms and labs across the region to do real work.
From business to education, health, law, and veterinary science, we’re making sure Australia and the region develop together to face the challenges of the 21st century. Our innovative approach reflects Southeast Asia’s rich diversity and growing importance in the world’s geopolitical landscape.
We foster partnerships and collaboration between researchers and practitioners working on critical real-world Southeast Asia issues, such as economic and social reform, infectious diseases and the environment.
Our work makes a real difference by informing decisions in government, industry and the wider community.
The University of Sydney Southeast Asia Centre:
2018 / 6 / 6 藍佩嘉主任拜會雪梨大學東南亞研究中心
亞比中心主任藍佩嘉於2018年六月受邀到澳洲雪梨演講,順道於6月6日拜會與亞比中心簽訂合作備忘錄的雪梨大學東南亞研究中心(Sydney Southeast Asia Center)。
SSEAC 是全球領銜的東南亞研究中心,研究資源豐富,也固定帶領學生與東南亞各大學合作舉辦田野學程。
當天藍主任與五位SSEAC成員交換意見,討論未來的合作方式。SSEAC歡迎本院老師前往短期訪問,從2018年開始也將台大列入夥伴獎助 (SSEAC Southeast Asia Partnership Grant) 的對象 ,補助該中心成員與台大老師進行研究上的合作與交流。