The Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU) is an interdisciplinary academic network, established in December 2012 through collaboration between six graduate schools, two research centers, and the International Center at Kyoto University. KUASU is pursuing a range of research and educational projects in partnership with universities and research institutes not only in Asia but worldwide (with a total of 54 partners at present) with a view to advancing mutual understanding among people in Asia and round the world, and addressing the challenges which they share.
Our activities are directed to the achievement of the following three missions:
1. Creation of a world-leading research center for integrated Asian studies through international and interdisciplinary collaboration.
2. Global human resource development through an international collaborative program for graduate studies.
3. Establishment of a common foundation for mutual understanding and problem-solving through Asian studies.
We expect that KUASU will open a “new window on Asia” by providing researchers from Asia and across the globe with new opportunities to connect and collaborate, and by enabling students from Kyoto University and its partner universities to build friendships with classmates across borders and to grow into global citizens equipped with local sensibilities.
We warmly welcome your ongoing support and involvement.
2018 / 6 / 6 藍佩嘉主任拜會雪梨大學東南亞研究中心
亞比中心主任藍佩嘉於2018年六月受邀到澳洲雪梨演講,順道於6月6日拜會與亞比中心簽訂合作備忘錄的雪梨大學東南亞研究中心(Sydney Southeast Asia Center)。
SSEAC 是全球領銜的東南亞研究中心,研究資源豐富,也固定帶領學生與東南亞各大學合作舉辦田野學程。
當天藍主任與五位SSEAC成員交換意見,討論未來的合作方式。SSEAC歡迎本院老師前往短期訪問,從2018年開始也將台大列入夥伴獎助 (SSEAC Southeast Asia Partnership Grant) 的對象 ,補助該中心成員與台大老師進行研究上的合作與交流。