Global Asia Research Center
The Global Asia Research Center (GARC) was reorganized from the Hakka Research Center with the generous funding from the Kim Koo Foundation. With the support of the Dean of the College of Social Science, Professor Kuo-Hsien Su, at the time, the center was established in 2017. Professor Pei-Chia Lan was the Founding Director.
Serving as a platform for scholars across Asia and beyond to exchange scholarly ideas and research, the GARC aims to facilitate research on Asia with a comparative and global perspective, deepening our understanding Asian modernities in a globalized world.
Focusing on Asia
Building Global Partnership
Initiating Scholarly Discussions
We Explore Asia through Three Approaches
Comparative Asia
Using Comparative Asia as a research approach allows us to better understand the distinctive yet similar development trajectories of and social changes in Taiwan and its neighboring countries by comparing them.
Transnational Asia
We examine the growing movement of people, ideas, capital, and goods within and beyond Asia, along with the networks formed during their travels, from a transnational perspective. This approach enhances our understanding of the global and intra-Asia spread of democratic ideals, popular cultures, knowledge, and religious practices
Global Asia
By Global Asia, we broaden the research scope to encompass the presence and impact of “Asia” beyond its geographical borders, such as Asian immigrant communities in North America or Chinese investments in Africa. This approach foregrounds the interactions, including competition, cooperation, assimilation, and differentiation between various societies, communities, and institutions within and beyond Asia.
The GARC serves as a research platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and scholarly dialogue. Our members include faculty from various departments at National Taiwan University. Currently, GARC is organized into six research clusters, including—: (1) Family, Gender and Population; (2) Ethnicity and Migration; (3) Global Economy and Local Inequalities; (4) Civil Society and Social Movements; (5) Urban Development and Governance; and (6) Global Culture, Religion and Consumption.
Global Asia Research Center
Tel:886-2-3366-8300 #55640
Address:Room 635, College of Social Science, National Taiwan University. No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City 100, Taiwan