Migration and Gender in West Asia and Turkey: Current Situation and Findings

Dr. Şebnem Köşer Akçapar的研究領域包含跨國遷移與性別、難民及西亞社會與家庭。兩天的seminar將從政治及歷史背景分析西亞地區的婚…

Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration and Class in Taiwan and the US

藍佩嘉新書Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration…

From Work-Family Conflict to Work-Family Alignment: How “Good Teachers” Become “Good Mothers” and “Good Workers” in South Korea

Miliann Kang長期研究性別化的勞動現場與種族、階級之間的互動關係。2010年出版的代表著作《The…


Entangled Pieties一書細膩描繪在一個素來有跨宗…


Gender, Health and History in Modern East Asia 由香港大…




Goodman 教授是英國頂尖的日本研究學者,過去…

One firm, two countries, one workplace model? The case of Foxconn’s expansion from China to the Czech Republic

This talk will investigate the transfer of work and labour practices…

Nation and Economy in South Korea: Globalization, Economic Liberalization, and the Contentious Politics of History

This presentation explores the contentious politics of economic…

