【新書座談】 One CHINA, Many TAIWANS. The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism
【新書座談】 One CHINA, Many TAIWANS. The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism
中心很榮幸邀請到伊恩(Ian Rowen)教授前來分享新書ONE CHINA, MANY TAIWANS. The Geopolitics of Cross-Strait Tourism. 伊恩教授現在於師大台灣語文系任教,他的研究長期關注旅遊文化與地緣政治。本次伊恩教授將來分享他對中台兩地的旅遊活動所進行的觀察,如何以民族誌的方法看見中台遊客與旅遊活動背後的政治影響與國族想像。
主講人:Ian Rowen(師大台灣語文學系副教授)
時間:2023/3/14(二) 中午12:30~14:00
In 2008, as the People’s Republic of China pointed over a thousand missiles across the Taiwan Strait, it sent millions of tourists in the same direction with the encouragement of Taiwan’s politicians and businesspeople. Contrary to the PRC’s efforts to use tourism to incorporate Taiwan into an imaginary “One China,” tourism aggravated tensions between the two polities, polarized Taiwanese society, and pushed Taiwanese popular sentiment farther toward support for national self-determination. The book’s ethnographic treatment of tourism as a political technology provides a new lens for social scientists and area specialists to examine the geopolitics of tourism, which has transformed the globe.
主講人:Ian Rowen(師大台灣語文學系副教授,本書作者 )
One China, Many Taiwans shows how tourism performs and transforms territory. In 2008, as the People’s Republic of China pointed over a thousand missiles across the Taiwan Strait, it sent millions of tourists in the same direction with the encouragement of Taiwan’s politicians and businesspeople. Contrary to the PRC’s efforts to use tourism to incorporate Taiwan into an imaginary “One China,” tourism aggravated tensions between the two polities, polarized Taiwanese society, and pushed Taiwanese popular sentiment farther toward support for national self-determination. The book’s ethnographic treatment of tourism as a political technology provides a new lens for social scientists and area specialists to examine the geopolitics of tourism, which has transformed the globe.