【亞比中心系列講座】Challenges toward Deepening Democracy in South Korea after 1987
演講主題:Challenges toward Deepening Democracy in South Korea after 1987
主講人:金東椿(Dong-Choon Kim)韓國聖公會大學名譽教授、良好社會研究所所長(Emeritus Professor of SungKongHoe University in South Korea and Director of the Good Society Institute)
主持人:劉華真(Hwa-Jen Liu)臺灣大學社會學系副教授(Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University)
Among the countries that overcame authoritarian regimes and embraced democratization in the 1980s, South Korea was at the forefront, not only among Asian countries but also among former Third World countries. South Korea is also credited with achieving both democracy and economic growth. Since the 2000s, numerous candlelight protests have been against the return of authoritarianism. The current government of Yoon Seok-yeol would be the worst in terms of democracy, the rule of law, separation of powers and freedom of speech since 1987, all of which South Korea thought it had irreversibly achieved, so why have these democratic achievements been reversed overnight? This rightward turn may not be unique to South Korea in a global context. Professor Kim will discuss how the historical limits of democratization in East Asia and neoliberal globalization since the 1990s have combined to cause this regression and what is needed to deepen democracy.