【亞比中心系列演講】12/19 Buddhism, Migration, and the Quest for Social Equality: Ambedkarite Indians in East Asia
【亞比中心系列演講】Buddhism, Migration, and the Quest for Social Equality: Ambedkarite Indians in East Asia
12月的第二場演講,亞比中心邀請到來自密西根州立大學的Jon Keune教授分享他正在進行的東亞宗教研究,Jon 教授現在任職於密西根州立大學宗教研究所擔任副教授,並於今年9月至明年2月於中心擔任訪問學人,來台進行對宗教與遷移的田野研究,Jon教授將分享這些受安倍達卡(Ambedkar)影響的賤民階級佛教徒,在東亞社會中如何組織並回應社會的不平等,他將於12/19(一)中午12:30~1400於社科院分享他進行中的研究觀察,歡迎大家報名參與!
主講人:Jon Keune( 密西根州立大學宗教研究所副教授 )
The Dalit (“Untouchable”) leader Bhimrao Ambedkar converted with some 400,000 followers to Buddhism in 1956 as way of protesting untouchability and the caste system. Ambedkar’s rationalist vision of Buddhism focused on social transformation and promoting equality, and his eight million followers today carry on that legacy. Through transnational collaborations and migration in the past thirty years, Ambedkarites have interacted increasingly with Buddhists in Japan and Taiwan. Dr. Keune will share observations from his ongoing research on these developments and discuss how these diverse groups manage their many vast differences as they work together and pursue their own distinct goals.